We want to thank you once again for your faithful prayers and support during this challenging time. As many of you know, we recently faced another court hearing regarding the use of our building. Unfortunately, the pressure against our ministry continues, particularly from ultra-Orthodox groups in the city. While other properties in the area are used for multiple purposes without issue, our ministry is being unfairly restricted in how we can use our space, a clear sign of discrimination based on religion only.
The judge ruled that we could keep our distribution center open but under strict limitations. We have been declared guilty and given a heavy fine, which we must pay in order to continue operating. This means that we can no longer fully use our building for various purposes, especially as a congregation. For now, we are not allowed to hold prayer meetings only, and we are evaluating other options for our gatherings and ministry activities.
Adding to this challenge, the property owners have informed us that they plan to refurbish or sell the building soon. This puts us in an even more difficult position, as we may be forced to either move to a provisional facility, an area that is unsuitable for our ministry or leave the location entirely. This uncertainty weighs heavily on us, but we trust that the Lord is in control.
Now more than ever, we need your prayers. We are facing an uncertain future, but we firmly believe that God will open the right doors and lead us in the path we should take. Please continue to intercede for our ministry and for the situation in Israel. Your prayers and support mean so much to us.
Because of this situation, we believe that the Lord is opening a new door and leading us down an unexpected path. We feel in our hearts that He is challenging us to dream of something that once seemed impossible: acquiring our own building. This new challenge fills us with hope, as it will allow us to overcome our current limitations and secure a permanent place where we can continue serving our community and proclaiming His name openly as Messianic believers.
Having our own building will give us the freedom to fully use the space for all the purposes we were called to: helping the needy, supporting the traumatized through our projects, and bringing the hope and life of the Kingdom of Heaven to those around us.
Today, we ask you to join us in prayer, interceding for the Lord to grant us favor in the courts and wisdom in every decision. But we also invite you to be part of this new chapter for our ministry, believing together that this dream of having our own building will become a reality.
Michael Beener,
City of Life!